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      Tai’an City financial targeted poverty alleviation work will be held in Luyue chemical group

      Column:Latest Rleases Time:2017-12-23
      On June 27, Tai’an City financial targeted poverty alleviation was held in Luyue chemical industry. Tai’an City deputy director of the poverty relief office Zang yuhai, deputy director of the municipal party committee office of Feicheng...

      On June 27, Tai’an City financial targeted poverty alleviation was held in Luyue chemical industry. Tai’an City deputy director of the poverty relief office Zang yuhai, deputy director of the municipal party committee office of Feicheng, director of the poverty relief office Zhang yinming, deputy director xin haiqing, party secretary of anzhan town wang kaijun, secretary of the chemical branch of Luyue, chairman liu peibao, general manager liu honglou attended the meeting, liu peibao on-site work report.

      Liu Peibao pointed out in the work report, Luyue chemical industry for many years actively response to the government poverty alleviation assistive call, to "strengthen Luyue, common prosperity, and benefit the society" as our mission, enterprise in development at the same time, the time don't forget to return society, the key of obtain employment of personnel of the disabled, become the status the disabled employment base for poverty alleviation, Tai’an City maximum welfare enterprises, the company existing 72 disabled workers, accounting for 25% of the total number of employees. Company earnestly implement the national protection of disabled persons, to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of disabled persons work, positive and each disabled employees signed labor contracts, timely issuance of salary and pay endowment insurance gold, in strict accordance with the provisions of the national wage standard of increasing year by year, equal pay for equal work, and constantly improve their living conditions such as in eating and sleeping. Not only that, the company also identified 26 families with special difficulties in the surrounding village team as the object of assistance, and set up a registration card, and implemented targeted poverty alleviation such as material donation, agricultural technology training and employment placement. Since this year, the company also actively responded to an appeal by the superior party committee, government and give full play to their role as the leading enterprise to drive out of poverty, social responsibility, seize financial poverty alleviation policy opportunities, involved in the poverty alleviation work, poverty relief office, Ann stands township government, agriculture and city commercial bank signed a microfinance "entrusted management" cooperation agreement, according to my company's development needs, apply for "the entrusted management" financial poverty alleviation loans of 6 million yuan, for the development of the enterprise, as well as 120 to get rich, the poor ability of life extremely difficult by inputting tent card poor provides each guaranteed income of 3600 yuan a year.

      Zang yuhai gave full recognition to the achievements made by Luyue chemical in its poverty alleviation work over the years, and required the participants to study and learn from each other seriously, and do a good job in a solid way to ensure the city's targeted poverty alleviation work is carried out smoothly and achieve tangible results.

      Tai’an City county urban poverty office related person in charge, Tai’an City rural commercial bank leadership team members, the general manager of the department and the President of each branch more than 50 people attended the meeting.

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